jueves, 14 de abril de 2011
martes, 5 de abril de 2011
viernes, 1 de abril de 2011
Skimming and Scanning
jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011
Vocabulario para Cambridge Flyers
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la A
a.m. (for time) = por la mañana
- I get up at 7 a.m. = Me levanto a las 7 de la mañana.
across (prep) = preposición para decir "de un lado al otro"
- I walked across the street = Andé de un lado al otro de la calle.
actor (n) = actor
- Brad Pitt is an actor = Brad Pitt es un actor.
after (adv + conj) - después
- I do my homework after school = Hago mis deberes después del colegio.
ago (adv) = hace
- I saw the film one week ago = Vi la peli hace una semana.
agree (v) = estar de acuerdo
- I agree with him = Estoy de acuerdo con él.
air (n) = aire
- The air in Madrid is polluted = El aire en Madrid está contaminado.
airport (n) = aeropuerto
- I live next to the airport = Vivo al lado del aeropuerto.
already (adv) = ya
- I have already done my homework = Ya he hecho mis deberes.
also (adv) = también
- I also go to the cinema = También voy al cine.
ambulance (n) =ambulancia
- Ambulances go to the hospital = Las ambulancias van al hospital.
anyone (pron) = cualquier persona.
- Anyone can edit this website = Cualquier persona puede editar esta página web.
- I don't think anyone will come = No creo que venga nadie.
anything (pron) = cualquier cosa
- I eat anything = Yo como cualquier cosa.
- I don't want anything = No quiero nada.
anywhere (adv)
April (n) = Abril
I arrive here in April = Llegue aqui en Abril.
arrive (v) = llegar
I arrive here in April = Llegue aqui en Abril.
art (n) = arte
You can see art in a museum = Puedes ver arte en un museo
artist (n) = artista
I am an artist = Soy un artista.
astronaut (n) = astronauta
I will be an astronaut = Sere un astronauta.
August (n) = agosto
I will leave here in August = Saldre de aqui en Agosto.
autumn (n) = otoño
- away (adv)
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la B
- before (adv + conj)
- begin (v) = empezar
- I just begin to eat this apple = Acabo de empezar a comerme esta manzana.
- believe (v) =creer
- I don't believe in you = No creo en ti.
- belt (n) = cinturón
- This bus haven't got belts = Ese autobus no tiene cinturones
- Betty (n)
- bicycle (n) = bicicleta
- Tomorrow I will buy my new bicycle = Mañana compraré mi nueva bicicleta.
- bin (n) = papelera
- biscuit (n) (US cookie) = galleta
- I love chocolate biscuits(cookies) = Me encantan las galletas de chocolate.
- bookshop (n) = librería
- bored (adj) = aburrido
- Now I feel bored = Ahora me siento aburrido.
- brave (adj) = valiente
- My best friend is very brave = Mi mejor amigo es muy valiente.
- break (v) = romper
- Last week I broke a window in my school = La semana pasada rompí una ventana en mi colegio.
- bridge (n) = puente
- broken (adj) = roto
- brush (n + v) = cepillo / cepillar
- burn (v) = quemar
- bus stop (n) = para de autobus
- business (n) = negocio
- businessman/woman (n) = empresario/a
- My father is a businessman = Mi padre es un empresario.
- butter (n) = mantequilla
- My mum eats toast with butter some days = Mi madre se toma algunos los días una tostada con mantequilla.
- butterfly (n) = mariposa
- Butterflies are very beautiful = Las mariposas son muy bonitas.
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la C
- camel (n) = camello
- camp (v) = acampar
- candy (n) (UK sweet(s)) = chuche / caramelo
- card (n) = carta / tarjeta (felicitación / crédito) / cartulina
- castle (n) = castilll
- cave (n) = cueva
- century (n) = siglo
- cheap (adj) = barato
- chemist(’s) (n) = farmacia
- chocolate (n) = chocolate
- chopsticks (n) = palillos chinos
- Christmas (n) = navidad
- circus (n) = circo
- club (n) = club / discoteca
- college (n) = facultad (US) / instituto
- comb (n + v) = peine / peinar
- competition (n) = competición
- conversation (n) = conversación
- cook (n) = cocinar
- cooker (n) = cocina (la máquina)
- cookie (n) (UK biscuit) = galleta
- corner (n) = esquina / rincón
- could (v) (for possibility) = podría
- cut (v) = cortar
dangerous (adj) = peligroso
dark (adj) = oscuro
date (n) (as in time) = fecha
David (n) = nombre de chico
dear (adj) (as in Dear Harry) = querido
December (n) = diciembre
decide (v) = decidir
dentist (n) = dentista
desert (n) = desierto
diary (n) = diario / agenda
dictionary (n) = diccionario
dinosaur (n) = dinasaurio
drum (n) = tambor
dry (adj) = seco
during (prep) = durante
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la E
- each (det + pron) = cada
- early (adj + adv) = temprano
- east (n) = este
- else (adv) = otro / más / aparte
- Would you like anything else? = ¿Queire algo más?
- Emma (n) = nombre de chica
- empty (adj) = vacio
- end (v) = terminar
- engineer (n) = ingeniero
- enough (adj + pron) = ¡Basta! / suficiente
- envelope (n) = sobre (de carta)
- environment (n) = medio ambiente
- ever (adv) = alguna vez (en preguntas)
- everyone (pron) = todo el mundo
- everything (pron) = todo
- everywhere (adv) = en todas partes
- exam (n) = examen
- excellent (adj + excl) = excelente
- excited (adj) = emocionado
- expensive (adj) = caro
- explain (v) = explicar
- extinct (adj) = extinguido
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la F
- factory (n) = fábrica
- fall (v) = caer
- fall over (v) = caerse (de estar de pie en el suelo)
- far (adj + adv) = lejos
- fast (adj + adv) = rápido
- February (n) = febrero
- feel (v) = sentir
- fetch (v) = ir, coger y traer
- a few (det) = unos pocos
- find out (v) = averiguar
- finish (v) = terminar
- fire (n) = fuego
- fire engine (n) = camión de bomberos
- fireman/woman (n) = bombero/a
- fire station (n) = parque de bomberos
- flag (n) = bandera
- flashlight (n) (UK torch) = linterna
- flour (n) = harina
- fog (n) = niebla
- foggy (adj) = con niebla
- follow (v) = seguir (a alguien, por ejemplo)
- I'm following him. - Yo le estoy siguiendo a él.
- footballer (n) - futbolista
- Cristiano Ronaldo is a footballer - Cristiano Ronaldo es un futbolista.
- for (prep of time) - durante
- I have been waiting for the bus for 5 minutes - He estado esperando el autobús durante 5 minutos.
- forget (v) - olvidar(se)
- Sometimes I forget to do my homework - A veces se me olvida hacer mis deberes.
- fork (n) - tenedor
- I use a fork when I eat - Uso un tenedor cuando como.
- fridge (n) - nevera / frigorífico
- I keep yoghurt in the fridge - Guardo yogures
- friendly (adj) - amigable
- He is very friendly - El es muy amigable.
- front (adj + n) - la parte de delante
- full (adj) - lleno
- The plate is full - El plato está lleno.
- fun (adj + n) - divertido / diversión
- The circus is fun - El circo es divertido.
- fur (n) - pelaje / pelo
- future (n)
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la G
- geography (n)
- get off (v)
- get on (v)
- get to (v)
- glass (adj)
- glove (n)
- glue (n + v)
- go out (v)
- gold (adj + n)
- golf (n)
- group (n)
- grow (v)
- guess (n + v)
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la H
- half (adj + n)
- happen (v)
- hard (adj + adv)
- Harry (n)
- hate (v)
- hear (v)
- heavy (adj)
- Helen (n)
- high (adj)
- hill (n)
- history (n)
- horrible (adj)
- hotel (n)
- hour (n)
- husband (n)
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la I
- ice (n)
- if (conj)
- ill (adj)
- important (adj)
- insect (n)
- interesting (adj)
- into (prep)
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la J
- jam (n)
- January (n)
- job (n)
- journalist (n)
- July (n)
- June (n)
- just (adv)
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la K
- Katy (n)
- key (n)
- kilometre (n) (US kilometer)
- kind (adj)
- knife (n)
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la L
- language (n)
- late (adj + adv)
- later (adv)
- leave (v)
- left (adj + n) (as in direction)
- let (v)
- letter (n) (as in mail)
- lie (v) (as in lie down)
- light (adj + n)
- little (adj)
- a little (adv + det)
- London (n)
- look after (v)
- look like (v)
- lovely (adj)
- low (adj)
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la M
- magazine (n)
- March (n)
- married (adj)
- maths (n) (US math)
- May (n) (as in month)
- may (v)
- meal (n)
- mechanic (n)
- medicine (n)
- meet (v)
- meeting (n)
- metal (adj + n)
- Michael (n)
- midday (n)
- midnight (n)
- might (v)
- mind (v)
- minute (n)
- missing (adj)
- mix (v)
- money (n)
- month (n)
- much (adv + det + pron)
- museum (n)
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la N
- news (n)
- newspaper (n)
- next (adj + adv)
- noisy (adj)
- no-one (pron)
- north (n)
- November (n)
- nowhere (adv)
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la O
- o’clock (adv)
- October (n)
- octopus (n)
- of course (adv)
- office (n)
- once (adv)
- other (det + pron)
- over (adv + prep)
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la P
- p.m. (for time)
- painter (n)
- paper (adj + n)
- past (noun + prep)
- pepper (n)
- perhaps (adv)
- photographer (n)
- piece (n)
- pilot (n)
- pizza (n)
- planet (n)
- plastic (adj + n)
- plate (n)
- player (n)
- pocket (n)
- policeman/woman (n)
- police station (n)
- poor (adj)
- post (v)
- postcard (n)
- post office (n)
- prefer (v)
- problem (n)
- programme (n) (US program)
- pull (v)
- push (v)
- pyramid (n)
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la Q
- quarter (n)
- queen (n)
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la R
- race (n + v)
- ready (adj)
- remember (v)
- restaurant (n)
- rich (adj)
- Richard (n)
- right (adj + n) (as in direction)
- ring (n)
- Robert (n)
- rocket (n)
- rucksack (n)
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la S
- salt (n)
- same (adj)
- Sarah (n)
- science (n)
- scissors (n)
- score (n + v)
- secret (n)
- secretary (n)
- sell (v)
- send (v)
- September (n)
- shelf (n)
- shorts (n)
- should (v)
- silver (adj + n)
- since (prep)
- singer (n)
- single (adj)
- ski (n + v)
- sky (n)
- sledge (n + v)
- smell (n + v)
- snack (n)
- snowball (n)
- snowman (n)
- so (adv + conj)
- soap (n)
- soft (adj)
- someone (pron)
- somewhere (adv)
- soon (adv)
- sound (n + v)
- south (n)
- space (n)
- speak (v)
- spend (v)
- spoon (n)
- spot (n)
- spotted (adj)
- spring (n)
- stamp (n)
- station (n)
- stay (v)
- steal (v)
- still (adv)
- storm (n)
- straight on (adv)
- strange (adj)
- stripe (n)
- striped (adj)
- student (n)
- study (v)
- subject (n)
- suddenly (adv)
- sugar (n)
- suitcase (n)
- summer (n)
- sure (adj)
- surname (n)
- swan (n)
- sweet(s) (n) (US candy)
- swing (n + v)
Lista de palabras que empiezan por la T
- take (v) (as in time e.g. it takes 20 minutes)
- tape recorder (n)
- taste (n + v)
- taxi (n)
- teach (v)
- team (n)
- telephone (n)
- tent (n)
- thank (v)
- theatre (n)
- through (prep)
- tidy (adj+v)
- tights (n)
- time (n)
- together (adv)
- toilet (n)
- tomorrow (adv + n)
- tonight (adv + n)
- torch (n) (US flashlight)
- traffic (n)
- turn (v)
- turn off (v)
- turn on (v)
- twice (adv)
What is CLIL?
CLIL describes an evolving approach to teaching and learning where subjects are taught and studied through the medium of a non-native language. In CLIL, learning a curricular subject in a second, third or sometimes fourth language involves drawing on effective pedagogical practice from a range of different educational contexts.There are many advantages to the CLIL approach: it develops learners’ skills and understanding, enhances their cognitive processes and communication skills and encourages intercultural understanding.
The global need for language learning, particularly for English, means the potential for CLIL is enormous. For teachers of other curriculum subjects, being able to add language teaching to their existing skills could be the key to greater career opportunities. For language teachers, an understanding of how to teach a broader range of curricular subjects is a challenge for the 21st century.
What does TKT: Content and Language Integrated Learning test?
TKT: Content and Language Integrated Learning tests knowledge about content teaching in a target language and the learning, thinking and language skills which are developed across different curriculum subjects. It tests knowledge of how to plan lessons as well as knowledge of activities and resources used to support a CLIL approach. It also tests knowledge of lesson delivery and how assessment is carried out in CLIL contexts.TKT: Content and Language Integrated Learning does not test subject specific knowledge but tests awareness of the skills that are taught across all subjects.
The exam format
TKT: Content and Language Integrated Learning is an optional module of TKT and follows that exam’s format. It consists of a single paper lasting 1 hour and 20 minutes and containing 80 questions. There are two parts to the test:Areas of knowledge
1 Knowledge of CLIL and Principles of CLIL (25 questions)- aims of and rationale for CLIL
- language across the curriculum
- communication skills across the curriculum
- cognitive skills across the curriculum
- learning skills across the curriculum
Lesson Preparation (25 questions)
- planning a lesson and a series of lessons
- language demands of subject content and accompanying tasks
- resources, including multi-media and visual organisers
- materials selection and adaptation
- activity types
- classroom language
- scaffolding content and language learning
- methods to help students develop learning strategies
- consolidating learning and differentiation
- focus: content; content and language; cognitive, learning and communication skills
- types of assessment
- support strategies
Who is it for?
TKT: Content and Language Integrated Learning is suitable for pre or in-service teachers and for international candidates teaching across all sectors of education: primary, secondary and tertiary. It will be of particular interest to:- content teachers who need to teach their subjects in English, or who want to add language teaching to their portfolio of skills
- English language teachers who are required to teach curricular subjects in a second, third or further additional languages
- classroom assistants working in CLIL contexts
- English as an Additional Language (EAL) teachers who have non-native speaker students in their classes.
miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011
KID`S BOX YLE Practice tests
If you're preparing your pupils for the Cambridge Young Learners English tests (YLE), you’ll be happy to know that Kid's Box fully covers the syllabus requirements for Starters, Movers and Flyers.
You'll can find practice YLE-type tests in Levels 2, 4 and 6, but you can also download bonus practice tests below.
You'll can find practice YLE-type tests in Levels 2, 4 and 6, but you can also download bonus practice tests below.
Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras
El Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE; en inglès Content and Language Integrated Learning, CLIL) es una corriente de la lingüística aplicada que propugna que en los contextos escolares existe un mayor éxito en el aprendizaje de las lenguas extranjeras a través de las materias comunes, como la historia o las ciencias, que por medio de los currículos funcionales que las tratan de una manera aislada y en situaciones forzadas o inventadas, como asignaturas independientes.
La investigación en este campo ha demostrado también que el plurilingüismo en la escuela, aprovechando los recursos, estrategias y destrezas que desarrolla el alumno cuando aprende una lengua o materia, a través de los currículos integrados de las lenguas y áreas no lingüísticas, contribuye de manera eficaz al desarrollo de una competencia comunicativa en lenguas que optimiza y facilita los aprendizajes posteriores.
El enfoque AICLE se basa en dos pilares:
La investigación en este campo ha demostrado también que el plurilingüismo en la escuela, aprovechando los recursos, estrategias y destrezas que desarrolla el alumno cuando aprende una lengua o materia, a través de los currículos integrados de las lenguas y áreas no lingüísticas, contribuye de manera eficaz al desarrollo de una competencia comunicativa en lenguas que optimiza y facilita los aprendizajes posteriores.
El enfoque AICLE se basa en dos pilares:
- la motivación en el aprendizaje es intrínseca, ya que rápidamente el alumno encuentra la utilidad en el objeto del aprendizaje
- La lengua es auténtica, en situaciones reales y no forzadas.
lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011
viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011
miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011
Flyers Listening
Flyers Listening
Cambridge Young LearnersEnglish Tests
Recommendationsfor candidate
Encourage candidatesto spend the time they are given to lookat
the picture before the questionsstartbythinking abouthow each
of the charactersmightbe described. Theyshould be aware that
they willhave to focuson language thatpointsto the differences
between two similar people in the picture.
The language thatcandidateswillneed for thistaskisthatwhich
isused notonlyfor describing people’s clothesand physical
appearance butalso for commenting on whattheyare doing.
Practice in describing a range of picturesand photoscontaining
people is, therefore, likelyto help candidatesdo wellin thispart
of the test.
Give candidatesasmuch practice aspossible with thiskind of
productive task, ascandidates sometimes find thistaskdifficult.
Make sure thatcandidatesunderstand the meaningsof, and are
also able to spellcorrectly, the wordsin the Starters, Moversand
Flyers vocabularylists.
Even atFlyerslevel, candidates often seem uncertain aboutthe
namesofsome lettersofthe alphabet in English. Clearlythe more
practice thatcan be given here the better.
Make sure candidatesread the introductoryquestion atthe head
of the task, which setsthe context, and givesthe instructions. Both
should help them to understand what theyare being asked to do.
Encourage candidatesto listen carefullyto the dialogue and
understand exactlywhatissaid. Theyshould remember that
speakerswilltalkaboutthe two pictureswhich are notcorrect,
aswellasthose thatare. Candidates should therefore notassume
thatthe firstword theyhear isthe rightanswer.
Part4 coversa wide range ofthe grammar and vocabulary
appropriate to thislevel. Teachers should make sure thatthe
structuresand vocabularylisted in the syllabushave been well
covered in class.
It isalso veryimportantthatcandidateslisten to the whole ofthe
dialogue before choosing their answer. Theyshould be aware that
the correctanswer to each individualquestion maycome atany
point in the dialogue and isnotnecessarilythe lastthing
As with allpartsofthistest, make sure thatcandidatesknow
exactlywhatisexpected ofthem. In Part5, for example, theyare
required to write something and also to draw and colour one
object. Theywillnotbe expected to write or draw anything difficult.
Nor willtheybe expected to draw or colour particularlywell.
They simplyhave to show thattheyhave understood the
For thistask, candidateswillneed to show thattheycan
understand language which distinguishesbetween two similar
but slightlydifferentobjectsor people. Thismaybe a matter of
understanding language which explainspreciselywhere someone
or something is, or itmaybe a matter of understanding language
which focuseson how two people or thingslookdifferent. Practice
in handling these typesoflanguage willtherefore stand candidates
in good stead for dealing with thispartofthe test.
Candidatesshould be aware thatthistaskisperhapsmore
challenging than itappearsand should ensure thattheylisten
to the instructionsverycarefully.
Cambridge Young LearnersEnglish Tests
Recommendationsfor candidate
Encourage candidatesto spend the time they are given to lookat
the picture before the questionsstartbythinking abouthow each
of the charactersmightbe described. Theyshould be aware that
they willhave to focuson language thatpointsto the differences
between two similar people in the picture.
The language thatcandidateswillneed for thistaskisthatwhich
isused notonlyfor describing people’s clothesand physical
appearance butalso for commenting on whattheyare doing.
Practice in describing a range of picturesand photoscontaining
people is, therefore, likelyto help candidatesdo wellin thispart
of the test.
Give candidatesasmuch practice aspossible with thiskind of
productive task, ascandidates sometimes find thistaskdifficult.
Make sure thatcandidatesunderstand the meaningsof, and are
also able to spellcorrectly, the wordsin the Starters, Moversand
Flyers vocabularylists.
Even atFlyerslevel, candidates often seem uncertain aboutthe
namesofsome lettersofthe alphabet in English. Clearlythe more
practice thatcan be given here the better.
Make sure candidatesread the introductoryquestion atthe head
of the task, which setsthe context, and givesthe instructions. Both
should help them to understand what theyare being asked to do.
Encourage candidatesto listen carefullyto the dialogue and
understand exactlywhatissaid. Theyshould remember that
speakerswilltalkaboutthe two pictureswhich are notcorrect,
aswellasthose thatare. Candidates should therefore notassume
thatthe firstword theyhear isthe rightanswer.
Part4 coversa wide range ofthe grammar and vocabulary
appropriate to thislevel. Teachers should make sure thatthe
structuresand vocabularylisted in the syllabushave been well
covered in class.
It isalso veryimportantthatcandidateslisten to the whole ofthe
dialogue before choosing their answer. Theyshould be aware that
the correctanswer to each individualquestion maycome atany
point in the dialogue and isnotnecessarilythe lastthing
As with allpartsofthistest, make sure thatcandidatesknow
exactlywhatisexpected ofthem. In Part5, for example, theyare
required to write something and also to draw and colour one
object. Theywillnotbe expected to write or draw anything difficult.
Nor willtheybe expected to draw or colour particularlywell.
They simplyhave to show thattheyhave understood the
For thistask, candidateswillneed to show thattheycan
understand language which distinguishesbetween two similar
but slightlydifferentobjectsor people. Thismaybe a matter of
understanding language which explainspreciselywhere someone
or something is, or itmaybe a matter of understanding language
which focuseson how two people or thingslookdifferent. Practice
in handling these typesoflanguage willtherefore stand candidates
in good stead for dealing with thispartofthe test.
Candidatesshould be aware thatthistaskisperhapsmore
challenging than itappearsand should ensure thattheylisten
to the instructionsverycarefully.
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